Ask the GENflex Expert: How Do We Introduce Our New Sports Drink?

Sports drinks are intended to improve athletic performance so consumers have more energy and vitality. They are made with water, electrolytes, and vitamins to give you that extra oomph when working out.
However, introducing a new sports drink in the crowded market we have today can be a challenge.
Walk down the beverage aisle of your grocery store, and you can see what I mean. There are dozens of brands clamoring for your attention.
On top of that, at least one, Gatorade, has become a household name.
But all is not lost. In fact, these challenges can quickly be turned into opportunities, and they start with your product’s label.
View your product label as your product calling card. You are introducing yourself to millions of new consumers.
So, how do we put that “calling card” label to work?
Among the steps are the following:
- Realize that the visual design, colors, font, and logo of your label must be your absolute top priority.
- Create a special logo just for this product. For instance, since its introduction in 1965, Gatorade has used a white “G” on its product labels. It saves space on the label and has helped make the brand iconic.
- There should be no confusing or generic terms. Generic terms are common terms often used by your competitors.
- The label should reflect your company’s brand. There should be no deviation from the look and feel of the label and the look and feel of your website.
- Consider a product slogan. For instance, BODYARMOR’s slogan is “The More Natural Sports Drink.”
- When designing the label, remember you only have five seconds – or less – to catch the customer’s eye.
- Finally, work with an experienced label manufacturer, one that specializes in producing labels for sports drinks and related products.
What we tell your clients is that when launching any new product, there is no room for “trial and error.” Everything about the label must be right from the start. An experienced label manufacturer will help make this happen.
GENflex Labeling Solutions has been a leading provider of packaging and labeling solutions for over 60 years. Our goal is to always be on time, on-spec, and on budget. That’s how we help our clients succeed.
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