FCC and Labels: Please See the Following News Update Regarding Labels

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has issued a new mandate regarding labels that will impact all internet service providers with over 100,000 subscribers.
The mandate requires these providers to add new labels to their wireless equipment. This new directive will begin on April 10, 2024, and will apply to home internet and wireless broadband plans for new customers.
The companies must include the following information on their labels:
– Company name
– The name of the plan subscribed to by the customer
– Monthly service charges
– Any additional charges applied to the plan
– Speed data in megabits per second
– Terms of the agreement
– Discount bundles available to the customer
The new labels must be displayed where plans or equipment are sold, including websites, provider-owned stores, and retail outlets.
When asked why the FCC has mandated these new labels, Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel said:
“We are seeking to end the kind of unexpected fees and junk costs that get buried in long and mind-numbing statements, terms, and conditions. You shouldn’t have to see a lawyer to know just what is in your internet service plan.”
According to GENflex Labeling Solutions CEO and President Kevin Florence, “What we are seeing once again is the power of labels. Along with promoting products, labels help consumers make better decisions when purchasing products and services. Now it applies to broadband data equipment.”
More information is available here: https://tinyurl.com/dkfckf6j
GENflex Labeling Solutions has been a leading provider of packaging and labeling solutions for over 60 years. Our goal is to always be on time, on-spec and on budget. That’s how we help our clients succeed. Visit us at: https://www.generalpapergoods.com.